So I have decided I am going to write about my life outside of my internship first then write specifically about my internship so here goes my experiences:
We took the red eye right after my road trip back from San Francisco. I was quite exhausted and ready to sleep through the flight. Much to my surprise, we went through security quickly and easily. I slept like a baby through both my flights and finally reached D.C. As soon as we got in, we took a trip to Target to buy the essentials. My roommates and I had an interesting time trying to figure out the bus system and got some major attitude by the bus driver =).
During the weekend, my roommates and I did some sight seeing. We visited the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the WW2 Memorial and the Washington Monument (which I noticed I can see from a distance when I walk to work!). It was very cold on the day we chose to do this but I did still enjoy visiting them.
We also went ice skating at the Sculpture Garden near Chinatown with our school group. That was fun for about an hour then it just got cold and so we left and got Chinese food. The Chinatown in DC is NOTHING like the Chinatown in SF. We almost left because it was a bit pricey and we had been spending a lot of money that weekend. Anyway, we decided to stay and eat. I don't remember the name of the restaurant we went to but the service was horrible. We even witnessed a waitress demand a higher tip from the table next to us. Turns out the waitress had charged the customer $100 more than she was supposed to so the customer left a small tip. The waitress said, " 50 cents! 15%!!" and handed back the receipt! We were all in shock! I couldn't believe it. So I'm pretty sure that is the last time we will be going to Chinatown.
At night, we ventured out to the bars nearby. We hadn't realized that we were so close to a fun night life. We still want to visit Adams Morgan and Georgetown but Dupont Circle was a lot of fun.
Yesterday, Rachel and I met up with one of our older sorority sisters who had coincidentally just moved out to D.C. It was awesome being able to catch up and see a familiar face. We went to the Madhatter and enjoyed 2 for 1 appetizers during happy hour. We also witnessed a good amount of snowfall. It was very pretty but I couldn't help but think how cold and slippery the walk home was going to be. I also wondered if people used their umbrellas in the rain....I know stupid question haha. Anyway, the snow fell for quite a while and we walked home in the snow! It was pretty and Rachel decided to throw snowballs and take tons of pictures when I all I really wanted to do was get back so I could get in my pj's because I had a looong day. I did realize that I will be needing to buy new boots to brace the snow so I don't fall in the middle of the street! Yay!
Onto my internship experience:
On my first day at my internship I met one of the three people working in the office. The office was smaller than I thought but I quickly came to the conclusion that I liked it better that way. I feel like I will be getting a much more in depth experience. Turns out my first day was one of the busiest. One of our clients had a press release that was sent out that morning and it gained a good amount of attention. I was able to see the whole process of being contacted by a reporter, to listening in on the interview, to viewing the completed article online the same day. It was very exciting for me because I was able to help with the whole process.
My second day was a bit less exciting. I was assigned to look up awards for one of our clients to apply for. Since our clients are tech companies, the language is still a little above my head. It was difficult to find relevant awards because I couldn't really decipher what was relevant and what wasn't. Anyway, I did what I could and called it a day. When I got in on my third day, I was told the award list was due that day! I was already a little discouraged because the task seemed so easy but was so difficult for me. I powered through the day anyway and ended up finding the perfect resource for my project. I skipped lunch to get it done and was so happy to turn it in. It was such a great feeling when my supervisor said, "Good job on this!" Even though its not that big of a deal, I was happy to hear that I'm doing a good job.
Today, I was monitoring Twitter for 2 of our clients. This is another job that seems easy in theory and is somewhat easy, but still challenging because I don't have the language down yet. Although, I have made huge strides within my first few days in terms of learning the language and familiarizing myself with our clients and practices .
All in all, I am very happy with my internship. It is exactly the experience I was looking for and a really great learning environment for me. All of my co-workers and supervisors are friendly and helpful. I can't wait to continue learning and challenging myself.
And now for some pictures! This is a huge feat for me because I am not much of a picture taker/downloader/ poster. Some of these pictures are borrowed from my friends.
This is the room I share:
Typical White House Pictures
The cold and windy day we picked to see the monuments! |
It is a little hard to read but it says "Freedom is not free" |
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At the bars |
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This picture is out of place but this is from the monuments |
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Ice skating at the Sculpture Garden. Don't laugh at my furry headband! It keeps me warm =) |
That is all for now! I tried to make this entertaining but I'm using this blog mainly as a journal for my memories so my posts are long and a bit boring. Sorry! Hope you enjoy the pictures.
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